Thursday, August 9, 2007

"Urgency" On The War On Drugs...huh??

Mexico's President, Calderon, has announced he wants to bring down the drug lords in Mexico. And to that end, President Bush will propose tens of millions of dollars to be earmarked to assist Mexico in that effort. The U.S. Congress will have the task of taking that suggestion and allocating taxpayer dollars to Mexico in an effort to curtail the drug trafficking and violence that has plagued Mexico in recent years. This is an apparent attempt to keep drugs and violence from spilling over U.S. borders.

To that I must ask.....HUH?? First of all, we have been fighting the so called "war on drugs" for at least the past 25 years. And secondly, throwing millions and millions of hard earned U.S. taxpayer dollars at the problem hasn't solved it yet!

If we are really going to take action and not just give lip service then the U.S., Mexico and Canada must join forces to come up with some viable remedies to our common problem. Here's a novel thought...CLOSE THE BORDERS!!! Not just the U.S. borders, but ALL of them. Close them, enforce the laws and control the flow of anything and everything that crosses them! I think we've all seen that tossing more U.S. dollars at the situation is not the answer.

This sudden "urgency" is well and good, but the same "urgency" has not been given to securing and protecting our borders in the past 25 years, so you have to wonder what the real story is. Between the constant influx of illegals swarming across our border, the threat of terrorists waltzing in to do us harm and the drugs pouring over, it has certainly added to keeping our nation off balance, distracted and dumbed down. (full News Max article here)

P.S. In my opinion, if you are fighting any war, the goal is to annihilate the enemy. I know this idea is perhaps unpopular but it applies to Afghanistan, Iraq, drugs, immigration or other things that demand the utmost attention and protection of this country and its citizens! Let's keep the politics, "correctness" and feelings out of it and lead the world by strength like those who shed their blood for the freedoms and survival of this country would expect!