Tuesday, June 19, 2007

America Is Mad As Hell

In his latest book, Outrage, Dick Morris lists the many reasons Americans are fed up and mad as hell! We have been let down, deceived, and sold a political bill of goods on a daily basis.

Wouldn't it be a novel thought for anyone serving in Congress to actually go to Washington with the attitude of service instead of, caving to special interests and being tempted away from their purpose. Perhaps they could also be required to live under the same laws they pass for the rest of us. I am one of those Americans Dick Morris is talking about...I am mad as hell! ( and so she rants)

I don't want Nancy Pelose, Harry Reid or any of that ilk telling me what kind of a car I can drive or how they think my children should be educated. I might take their opinions more seriously if I didn't see them acting more like royalty than the servants of the people they profess to be!

And another thing...I wish Congress would simply vote the peoples' will. I am tired of hearing their 'opinions' on everything just to get face time on camera. We didn't put them in office to get their personal opinion. We put them in office to represent us! After all, you all know about opinions they are like -------- and everybody has one!

On many issues, I agree with Dick Morris. We need to get out of the "United Nations", close and protect our borders and do a major corruption house cleaning in Congress and throw the bums out! (and here comes that ugly immigration amnesty bill again) Are we ever going to wake up as a nation or just continue on the downhill decline? I believe talk radio is seen as a threat because of its power on free air waves. I also believe that the 'blogosphere' will become a bigger threat in the upcoming national elections. It is yet another way to give power to the people...imagine that! I bet someone in Washington D.C. is trying to figure out how that power can be diluted at this very moment!

NewsMax has Dick Morris' book and other offerings and specials. If you are interested please check it out!

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