Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Air Powered Car From India

It may not be India's answer to the muscle car, but after ten years in the making they have completed an air powered car. It resembles a mini, mini van and seats six people. Looks to be tight quarters for anyone of size or height. But for around $2 a tank you can head down the road for about 125 miles. I don't expect to see it in the U.S.A. anytime soon. Over here we're still trying to figure out how to grease palms and fill pockets over the ethanol craze! I also understand that Mexican farmers are opting to plow under the cactus used in making tequilla in order to plant corn for ethanol. Soon you'll be digging a little deeper in your wallet for both tequilla and anything made from corn.....the list is endless! Kinda makes you wanna grab a bowl of cornflakes and a cool margarita and forget about it! You can read the Air Car article here.
Until Next time...


Anonymous said...

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Thanks for reading this. You guys are the best.

Unknown said...

What would it take to create a better, happier earth? Jer.10:23